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Brother Raphael Ma, C.R., of the Ontario-Kentucky Province, on Friday April 22 received from Bishop Carl Kemme the ministry of Lector, an important step on the road to priesthood ordination.
On the Solemnity of St. Joseph, March 19, 2016, our seminarian André Malta Martins, C.R., was ordained to the Order of Deacon in Franco da Rocha (Sao Paulo), by Bishop Robert Kurtz, C.R.
Each year on the 17th of February our Congregation recalls its founding in Paris with its celebration of "Founders' Day" in the various local communities throughout the world.
That we may continue our spiritual formation through a deepening awareness of the life and works of the Founders, a growing union with the Risen Christ through prayer and the exercise of fraternal charity in living the common life in simplicity, and an increasingly self-disciplined life based on the Gospel which witnesses to the death and resurrection of Christ. (Art.163)
For our country, for civil rulers and for peace in the world.
For our priests who serve as confessors who share God's unconditional love.
For those in our Congregation who are struggling with their faith.
We are to be apostles of divine love and of spiritual resurrection. (KW,49)