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Brother Raphael Ma, C.R., of the Ontario-Kentucky Province, on Friday April 22 received from Bishop Carl Kemme the ministry of Lector, an important step on the road to priesthood ordination.
On the Solemnity of St. Joseph, March 19, 2016, our seminarian André Malta Martins, C.R., was ordained to the Order of Deacon in Franco da Rocha (Sao Paulo), by Bishop Robert Kurtz, C.R.
Each year on the 17th of February our Congregation recalls its founding in Paris with its celebration of "Founders' Day" in the various local communities throughout the world.
That the goal of all who has been called to the Congregation of the Resurrection may be to strive for personal resurrection with Christ in community, and for the resurrection of society. (Art. 5)
For increased fidelity to our religious vows and to the spirit of our founders.
For perseverance in our vocation and fidelity to our charism.
For peace in the world.
O God, perfect Truth, your word, our holy faith, not only does not contradict reason, indeed, it is its root, its law and its life. (Paris, 12/28/1834)