Intention for today
That we recognize that Christ destroyed sin by dying and empowers us to remove sin and selfishness from our lives by dying to ourselves through the generous acceptance of the renunciation implied in the perfect observance of our vows and in the many difficulties and disappointments of daily life which constitute some of the crosses which Christ invites us to carry. (Art. 6)
Prayer of intercesion: We pray for
For the Church, our Holy Father, for the local church and for the ordinary of the diocese.
For all of those who are considering joining our Congregation.
On this Feast of Our Lady of Lourdes, we pray for healing of our dearly beloved sick.
For the beatification of Fr. Paul Smolikowski, CR.
Words of the Founder
With your assistance (O Lord) I would like to undertake the following: With reference to my own person -- to put my mind at rest, to put better order in my life, to improve my relations with others and, rather than scandalise them, to edify them by my words and letters... (Paris, 1/10/1835)