On Thursday, June 15, 2017, the Congregation of the Resurrection at its 33rd General Chapter elected Fr. Paul Voisin, C.R., of the Ontario-Kentucky Province, as Superior General of the Community for the next six years. For the last nine years Fr. Paul has been serving as Vicar General of the Diocese of Hamilton in Bermuda, where he collaborated with emeritus Bishop Robert Kurtz, C.R., and up to now with current Bishop Wesley Spiewak, C.R.
Fr. Paul, in thanking the 20 Chapter delegates for their confidence in him, expressed: "This Community has shown me the unconditional love of God. "In my heart I am a pastor," he said, referring to his pastoral work in parishes in Canada, Bolivia and Bermuda, but also as director of a school and as provincial superior. As of now, he assured the community, "I will be a pastor to this Congregation that I love."
Referring to Fr. Peter Semenenko's words about our Founder Bogdan Jański -- "He carried the torch for a short time" -- Fr. Paul thanked the previous superior general, Fr. Bernard Hylla, C.R., for his dedication and work accomplished in the international Congregation for the last six years.
Fr. Paul asked all of us to remember him in our prayers.
Posted on Jun 2017,