CR Formation in Tanzania
The mission in Tanzania, one of the Congregation’s newest apostolates, was established thirteen years ago. Despite its short duration it is beginning to show some achievement. A joyful sign is our development in formation.
The mission in Tanzania, one of the Congregation’s newest apostolates, was established thirteen years ago. Despite its short duration it is beginning to show some achievement. A joyful sign is our development in formation.
Resurrectionists from various parts of the international Community gathered at our motherhouse in Rome from June 15 to 27 for the Resurrectionist Renewal Program organized by the General Curia.
Below you will find two texts by Fr. Adam P. Błyszcz CR on the subject of Bogdan Jański and his ‘Diary’. We give them to you as an aid to prepare this year’s celebration of the Founders Day with the...
33rd General Chapter Congregation of the Resurrection (11-25 June 2017, Rome, Italy) - Official Chapter Document
That we may always remember that through the exercise of perfect fraternal charity we rise with Christ and give witness to the world that we are His disciples: "I give you a new commandment: Love one another. Such as my love has been for you, so must your love be for one another. This is how all will know you for my disciples: your love for one another" (John 13:34-35). (Art. 7)
For our brothers in the missions: In Bolivia, Brazil, Bulgaria and Tanzania.
For those who have asked us to pray for their intentions.
For all deceased Resurrectionists.
O God, I thank you for all of the trials and humiliations which you allowed to afflict me in this time, and by which you enabled me to experience my nothingness and my misery... (Paris, 1/10/1835)