Jahr der Orden

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Das Jahr des geweihten Lebens ist ein Themenjahr der römisch-katholischen Kirche vom ersten Advent (30. November) 2014 bis zum Fest der Darstellung des Herrn (2. Februar) 2016. Das Themenjahr wurde von Papst Franziskus am 2..

Posted on 02/12/2014, :::: Read more... >>

Daily Prayer Calendar on the Februar 7

Intention for today

That, in order to manifest the presence of the Risen Christ to the world, we may strive for our own personal sanctification by accepting Christ as our model and by living a life of ever greater union with him. (Art. 5)

Prayer of intercesion:
We pray for

For the conversion of sinners, and for all in affliction, temptation and agony.

For catechumens preparing to receive the sacrament of baptism.

Words of the Founder

I feel this deep within my soul, and I thank you, O God, for deigning to look upon my misery and my sufferings, for hearing me as I groaned and sighed for the true and universal good... (Paris, 12/28/1834)