Prayer Calendar Juli 2

Intention for today

REFLECTION: “From the very beginning we were convinced that, if our own personal conversion and that of other brothers who were on the way to closer union with God were to be effective, it was proper and necessary that we withdraw from the social circles in which we lived and gather together to form a community. This was to be a community in which each member would support the others, strengthening them in spirit through common exercises -- a community in which members would be led to the way of truth, recognizing their serious obligations to themselves, to God and to people. Thus we decided to begin a common life, and founded a small house at the beginning of 1836." (Bogdan Jański to V. Wieloglowski)

Prayer of intercesion:
We pray for

For our Congregation, our superiors, and vocations to our Congregation.

For the Sisters of the Resurrection.

Words of the Founder

Holy Spirit, enlighten me! Holy Spirit, strengthen me! Holy Spirit, enkindle within me and fill me completely with a most perfect love... (La Trappe, 5/27/1839)