Brother Peter goes to the Lord

Brother Peter

An era of the Resurrectionist community in Rome has come to an end. Brother Peter Gryboś, after more than 32 years of service in the Generalate, died in his sleep on the morning of February 4, 2014. Fra Pietro, as he was known among the house members, was in his 97th year, including 78 years in the Congregation.

Piotr Gryboś was named after St. Peter for the day of his birth, June 29, 1917 in Tarnoviensis, in southern Poland. Entering the Resurrectionist Community in Kraków in 1934, he professed vows as a brother on August 15, 1936. Having been assigned to the Generalate House in 1981, he was known to generations of seminarians, among them our present Superior General, who lived and studied at our international seminary over many years.

Along with his daily labors in the sacristy and gardens of the Roman house, Brother Peter had a deep poetic streak which expressed itself in spiritual journals that he kept as well as his annual Christmas verse which he loved to read in public at the local community's celebration of the feast. This personal spirit he has now handed over to the Risen Lord, accompanied by his ever-fraternal words to us who accompanied him in his final years:  Dziękuję bardzo! Thank you so much!

 PietroFounders web

Human life, how precious you are! Though only a brief moment is your existence on earth, you receive from your Creator an immeasurable infinity of happiness. (from spiritual journal of Fra Pietro)








Posted on Feb 2014,

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