St. Stanislaus BM Parish Celebrates Its 120th Anniversary

StanBM 120 2In a packed church, comprised very largely of Polonia from near and far, Bishop John Manz presided at a nearly two-hour long trilingual Mass on Sunday, 13 October 2013. A history of the parish, recited in English and Polish, preceded the entrance procession. The Paderewski violinists, about a dozen young women, provided numerous musical selections from one of the side altars, while the organ played and the choir sang from the loft above the church. The enormous amount of detail that went into the event, both the Liturgy and the Banquet, was breathtakingly evident. Homilies in English and Spanish were offered by Bishop Manz and a Polish homily was given by superior general Bernard Hylla. Superior provincial Gene Szarek greeted the congregation with a few words in the name of the USA Province at the end of Mass. A commemorative banquet was held after the Mass in DesPlaines, Illinois.

The original church building had been blessed on June 18, 1893, by Fr. Vincent Barzyński, C.R., who had established the mission in what was then a rural area populated by Polish, German and Italian immigrants. The mission became a parish in 1901. Fr. Anthony Dziorek, C.R., is currently serving as Pastor.

Posted on Oct 2013,

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