On Saturday, June 11, 2016, a bronze sculpture of Jesus Risen was dedicated with a solemn blessing at the Generalate House by Superior General Fr. Bernard Hylla. The statue was created by sculptor Marcin Nosko, who is the head of the stone sculpture studio at the Jan Matejko Academy of Fine Arts in Krakow. His sculpture was made possible by a donation of Krystyna and Jan Baran, also from Krakow. It is situated in the interior garden of the Generalate, on a marble base inscribed with a phrase from the Sequence of the Liturgy of Easter, “Scimus Christum surrexisse a mortuis vere” (“We know that Christ has truly risen from the dead”). The solemn blessing was attended by several guests, including the sculptor and the donors, four Resurrection Sisters including Mother General Teresa Maria Kreft, Resurrectionist confreres from Mentorella and the parish in Acilia, some other priest and lay friends of the Community in Rome, the local Roman House members and formation community, the Benedictine Samaritan Sisters who work at the house, and some friends of the Congregation who have also done work at the Generalate.
In his remarks after the blessing, Fr. General noted that by the position of the statue, the risen Lord is in a way greeting those entering the garden, showing them his wounds as he says, “Peace be with you” (John 20). The formation community of the Collegium Resurrectionis Romae is behind him, in the proper position of followers, after the example of Jesus’ admonition to Peter: “Get behind me...” (Mk 8:33).
Posted on Jun 2016,