Dedication of Novitiate House in Tanzania

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Tuesday, August 11, 2015, was a very special day for the Resurrectionists in Tanzania, as a new chapter in the history of our mission unfolded. In the early hours of that morning Bishop Michael Msonganzila of the Diocese of Musoma came to our parish in Buhemba, where he celebrated the Eucharist and then consecrated the new building which is now serving as the home of novitiate formation for candidates from Africa to the Congregation of the Resurrection. The ceremony was attended by our CR Fathers Maciej Braun, Andrzej Duda and Daniel Hinc, as well as our postulants: five candidates to the priesthood and one candidate for the lay brotherhood. They began their Novitiate year on the Solemnity of the Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary, August 15, under the guidance of Novice Director Fr. Andrzej Duda, C.R.

Construction of the Novitiate house had begun on March 3rd of this year, the project being supervised from its initiation to its completion by the superior of the mission, Fr. Maciej. The lightning-quick building of the house was made possible thanks to the financial support of many people of good will.

The Congregation gives praise and thanks to the Risen Lord for the new vocations to the Community; and to all the people who continue to support our Tanzanian mission materially and spiritually, we express our sincere gratitude with the assurance of our prayers.

(The accompanying photos show the various stages of construction and the solemn dedication of the Novitiate.)

Posted on Aug 2015,

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